Column-level Lineage is not currently supported for SAP HANA.

Steps to complete:

  1. Create and authorize a user
  2. Create schema for Datafold
  3. Configure in Datafold

Create and authorize a user

Create a new user DATAFOLD using SAP HANA Administration console (Systems-Security-Users). Specify password authentication, and set “Force password change on next logon” to “No”. Grant MONITORING privileges for the databases to be diffed.

Create schema for Datafold

Datafold utilizes a temporary schema to materialize scratch work and keep data processing in the your warehouse.


Configure in Datafold

Field NameDescription
NameA name given to the data connection within Datafold.
HostThe hostname address for your database.
PortSap HANA connection port; default value is 443.
UserThe user created above, named DATAFOLD.
PasswordThe password for user DATAFOLD.
Schema for temporary tablesThe schema created above, named datafold_tmp

Click Create. Your data connection is ready!