This integration supports both Azure Data Lake Storage and Azure Blob Storage.

Steps to complete:

  1. Create an app and service principal in Microsoft Entra
  2. Configure your data connection in Datafold
  3. Create your first file diff

Create an app and service principal in Microsoft Entra

Create an app and service principal in Entra using a client secret (not certificate). Check out Microsoft’s documentation on this topic if you need help.

Configure your data connection in Datafold

Field NameDescription
Connection nameThe name you’d like to give to this connection in Datafold
Account NameThis is in the URL of any filepath in ADLS, e.g. <account><container>/<filepath>
Client IDThe client ID of the app you created in Microsoft Entra
Client SecretThe client secret of the app you created in Microsoft Entra
Tenant IDThe tenant ID of the app you created in Microsoft Entra

Create your first file diff

For general guidance on how file diffs work in Datafold, check out our file diffing docs.

When creating a diff, note that the file path you provide may differ depending on whether you’re using ADLS or Blob Storage. For example:

  • ADLS: abfss://<my_filesystem>/<path>/<my_file>.<csv, xlsx, parquet, etc.>
  • Blob Storage: az://<my_container>/<path>/<my_file>.<csv, xlsx, parquet, etc.>