Steps to complete:

  1. Run SQL script and create schema for Datafold
  2. Configure your data connection in Datafold

Run SQL script and create schema for Datafold

To connect to Amazon Redshift, you need to create a user with read-only access to all tables in all schemas, write access to Datafold-specific schema for temporary tables, and the ability to access SQL logs:

/* Datafold utilizes a temporary dataset to materialize scratch work and keep data processing in the your warehouse. */CREATE SCHEMA datafold_tmp;/* The Datafold user needs read access to ALL schemas; this requires superuser level privilege in Redshift */      CREATE USER datafold CREATEUSER PASSWORD 'SOMESECUREPASSWORD';/* The following permission allows Datafold to pull SQL logs and construct   column-level lineage */ALTER USER datafold WITH SYSLOG ACCESS UNRESTRICTED;

Datafold utilizes a temporary schema, named datafold_tmp in the above script, to materialize scratch work and keep data processing in the your warehouse.

Configure in Datafold

Field NameDescription
NameA name given to the data connection within Datafold
HostThe hostname of your cluster. (Go to Redshift in your AWS console, select your cluster, the hostname is the endpoint listed at the top of the page)
PortRedshift connection port; default value is 5439
UserThe user created in our SQL script, named datafold
PasswordThe password created in our SQL script
Database NameThe name of the Redshift database you want to connect to
Schema for temporary tablesThe schema (datafold_tmp) created in our SQL script

Click Create. Your data connection is ready!