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Column-level Lineage is not currently supported for Dremio.


Schemas for tables in external data sources need to be specified with quotes e.g., "Postgres".

Steps to complete:

  1. Configure user in Dremio
  2. Configure your data source in Datafold
  3. Create a space for Datafold's temporary views

Configure user in Dremio

To connect to Dremio, create a user with read-only access to all data sources you wish to diff and generate an access token.

Temporary tables will be created in the $scratch schema that doesn't require special permissions.

Configure in Datafold

Field NameDescription
Connection nameA name given to the data source within Datafold.
HostThe hostname for your Dremio instance ( for Dremio SaaS).
PortDremio endpoint port; default value is 433.
EncryptionShould be checked for Dremio Cloud, possibly unchecked for local deployments.
User IDUser ID as created in Dremio, typically an email address.
Project IDDremio Project UID. If left blank, the default project will be used.
TokenAccess token generated in Dremio.
PasswordAlternatively, provide a password.
Schema for temporary viewsA Dremio space for temporary views.
Schema for temporary tables$scratch should suit most applications, or use "<Datasource>.<schema>" (with quotes) if you wish to create temporary tables in an external datasource.

Click Create. Your data source is now ready!