VPC deployments are an Enterprise feature. Please email to enable your account.

Create a Domain Name (optional)

You can either choose to use your domain (for example, datafold.domain.tld) or to use a Datafold managed domain (for example,

Customer Managed Domain Name

Create a DNS A-record for the domain where Datafold will be hosted. For the DNS record, there are two options:

  • Public-facing: When the domain is publicly available, we will provide an SSL certificate for the endpoint.
  • Internal: It is also possible to have Datafold disconnected from the internet. This would require an internal DNS (for example, AWS Route 53) record that points to the Datafold instance. It is possible to provide your own certificate for setting up the SSL connection.

Once the deployment is complete, you will point that A-record to the IP address of the Datafold service.

Create a New Subscription

For isolation reasons, it is best practice to create a new subscription within your Microsoft Entra directory/tenant. Please call it something like yourcompany-datafold to make it easy to identify.

Set IAM Permissions

Go to Microsoft Entra ID and navigate to Users. Click Add, User, Invite external user and add the Datafold engineers.

Navigate to the subscription you just created and go to Access control (IAM) tab in the side bar.

  • Navigate to the subscription you just created. Go to Access control (IAM). Under Add select Add role assignment.
  • Under Role, navigate to Priviledged administrator roles and select Owner.
  • Under Members, click Select members and add the Datafold engineers.
  • When you are done, select Review + assign.