Please contact if you’d like to enable this feature for your organization.

Schema change monitors alert you when a table’s schema changes in any of the following ways:

  • Column added
  • Column removed
  • Data type changed

Create a Schema Change monitor

There are two ways to create a Schema Change monitor:

  1. Open the Monitors page, select Create new monitor, and then choose Schema Change.
  2. Clone an existing Schema Change monitor by clicking Actions and then Clone. This will pre-fill the form with the existing monitor configuration.

Set up your monitor

To set up a Schema Change monitor, simply select your data connection and the table you wish to monitor for changes.

Add a schedule

You can choose to run your monitor daily, hourly, or even input a cron expression for more complex scheduling:

Add notifications

Receive notifications via Slack or email when at least one record fails your test:


Need help?

If you have any questions about how to use Schema Change monitors, please reach out to our team via Slack, in-app chat, or email us at