
The top-level menu displays the diff status, job ID, creation and completed times, runtime, and data connection.


The Columns tab displays a table with detailed column and type mappings from the two datasets being diffed, with status indicators for each column comparison (e.g., identical, percentage of values different). This provides a quick way to identify data inconsistencies and prioritize updates.

Primary keys

This tab highlights rows that are unique to the Target dataset in a data diff (“Rows exclusive to Target”). As this identifies rows that exist only in the Target dataset and not in the Source dataset based on the primary key, it flags potential data discrepancies.

The Clone diffs and materialize results button allows you to rerun existing data diffs with results materialized in the warehouse, as well as any other desired modifications.


This tab displays rows where at least one column value differs between the datasets being compared. It is useful for quickly assessing the extent of discrepancies between the two datasets.

The Show filters button enables the following features:

  • Highlight characters: highlight value differences between tables
  • % of difference: filters and displays columns based on the specified percentage range of value differences