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Google OAuth


Google SSO is available for both SaaS and VPC installations of Datafold.

Datafold SaaS

For Datafold SaaS the setup only involves enabling Google SSO integration.

If Google SSO is already enabled for your organization you will see it in the Settings Integrations SSO.

If this is not the case, create a new Google SSO Integration by clicking on the Add new integration button.

Enable the Allow Google logins in organization switch and click Save. That's it!

If you are not using Datafold SaaS, please see below.

Create OAuth Client ID

To begin, navigate to the Google admin console for your organization, click Create Credentials, and select OAuth Client ID.


To configure OAuth, you may need to first configure your consent screen. We recommend selecting Internal to keep access limited to users in your Google workspace and organization.

Configure OAuth

  • Application type: "Web application"
  • Authorized JavaScript origins: https://<>
  • Authorized redirect URIs: https://<>/oauth/google

Finally, click Create. You will see a set of credentials that you will copy over to your Datafold Global Settings.

Configure Google OAuth in Datafold

To finish the configuration, create a Google SSO Integration in Datafold.

To complete the integration in Datafold, create a new integration by navigating to Settings Integrations SSO Add new integration Google.

  • Enable the Google OAuth switch.

  • Enter the domain or URL of your OAuth client Id on the respective field.

  • Paste the Client Secret on the respective field.

  • Enable the Allow Google logins in Organization switch.

  • Finally, click Save.