
  • Microsoft Teams admin access or permissions to manage integrations
  • A Datafold account with admin privileges

Configure the Integration

  1. In Datafold, go to Settings > Integrations > Notifications
  2. Click “Add New Integration”
  3. Select “Microsoft Teams”
  4. You’ll be automatically redirected to the Microsoft Office login page
  5. Sign in using the Microsoft Office account with admin privileges
  6. Click “Accept” to grant Datafold the necessary permissions
  7. You’ll be redirected back to Datafold
  8. Open the Teams app in a separate browser tab
  9. Next to the channel where you’d like to receive notifications, click ”…” and select “Workflows”
  10. Select the template called “Post to a channel when a webhook request is received”
  11. Advance through the wizard (the defaults should be fine)
  12. At the end of the wizard, copy the webhook URL
  13. Return to Datafold and click “Add channel configuration”
  14. Select the relevant Team and Channel, then paste the webhook URL
  15. Repeat steps 8-14 for as many channels as you’d like
  16. Save the integration settings in Datafold

You’re all set! When you configure a monitor in Datafold, you’ll now have the option to send notifications to the Teams channel(s) you configured.

Monitors as Code Configuration

If you’re using monitors as code, you can configure Teams notifications by adding a notifications section to your monitor definition as follows:

      - type: teams
        integration: <integration_id>
        channel: <team_name>:<channel_name>
          - <tag_name>
          - <user_name>
  • <integration_id> can be found in Datafold -> Settings -> Integrations -> Notifications -> <your_ms_teams_integration>

Full example

    type: test
    enabled: true
    connection_id: 1123
      type: unique
        - path: DEV.DATA_DEV.USERS
            - USERNAME
        every: hour
      - type: teams
        integration: 23
        channel: Dev Team:Notifications Channel
          - NotifyDevCustomTag
          - Dima Cherenkov

Need help?

If you have any questions about integrating with Microsoft Teams, please reach out to our team via Slack, in-app chat, or email us at